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Cách sử dụng Would trong tiếng Anh

1. Cách sử dụng Would

a. Dùng trong câu tường thuật, gián tiếp (là quá khứ của Will)

Eg: He said he would phone me on Sunday.

(Anh ấy nói anh ấy sẽ gọi cho tôi vào Chủ nhật.)

b. Diễn tả một giả định ở quá khứ hoặc dự đoán tình huống có thể xảy ra

Eg: It would be fun to have a beach party.

(Tổ chức một bữa tiệc ở bãi biển chắc sẽ rất vui.)

c. Chỉ thói quen trong quá khứ

Eg: When I was a child, I would sing folk songs.

(Khi còn nhỏ tôi thường hát nhạc dân ca.)

d. Dùng trong câu lời mời, yêu cầu, đề nghị với tính trang trọng hơn Will

Cấu trúc Cách dùng Ví dụ
Would like/ love/ prefer + to V Diễn đạt mong ước/ mong muốn một cách lịch sự

I’d like to try on this jacket.

(Tôi muốn thử cái áo vét này.)

Would you like + to V/ N? Đưa ra đề nghị, lời mời lịch sự

Would you like a cup of tea?

(Bạn muốn một cốc trà không?)

Would you + Vinf, (please)? Yêu cầu một cách lịch sự

Would you pay me in cash, please.

(Xin vui lòng thanh toán bằng tiền mặt.)

Would you mind + Ving? Yêu cầu một cách lịch sự

Would you mind waiting outside?

(Xin vui lòng đợi bên ngoài.)

Would rather + Vinf = Would prefer + to V Diễn đạt việc thích làm gì hơn

He’d rather spend the weekend in the country.

= He’d prefer to spend the weekend in the country.

(Tôi thích nghỉ cuối tuần ở quê hơn.)

Would rather + O + Ved Diễn đạt muốn ai đó làm gì

I’d rather you came with us.

(Tôi muốn bạn đi cùng chúng tôi.)

2. Bài tập với Would

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using would + the following verbs

be       do       enjoy       enjoy       have       pass       stop

0. They helped us alot. I don't know what we would have done without their help.

1. You should go and see the film. You ..... it.

2. It's a pity you couldn't come to the concert yesterday. You .... it.

3. Shall I apply for the job or not? What .... you .... in my position

4. I was in a hurry when I saw you. Otherwise, I .... to talk.

5. We took a taxi home last night but got stuck in the traffic. It ..... quicker to walk.

1. 'd enjoy/would enjoy

2. 'd have enjoyed / would have enjoyed

3. would you do

4. 'd have stopped / would have stopped

5. would have been

Exercise 2. Rewrite using WOULD RATHER

0. I would like you to go home now.

I would rather you went home now.

1. I would prefer to go in December rather than in May.

2. I prefer starting early rather than leaving everything to the last minute.

3. I prefer to walk rather than drive.

4. I want you to stay in a hostel rather than in a hotel.

5. I would like you to find a job.

1. I would rather go in December than in May.

2. I would rather start early than leave everything to the last minute.

3. I would rather walk than drive.

4. I would rather you stayed in a hostel than in a hotel.

5. I would rather you found a job.

Exercise 3. Tìm lỗi sai trong các câu sau và sửa lại

0. She would like having lunch with her colleagues.

Having > to have

1. I would to swim with my family.

2. Would you like taking some photos?

3. Their daughters would like attend the liveshow.

4. They would go to the movies theater.

1. would > would like

2. taking > to take

3. attend > to attend

4. would > would like to

Exercise 4. Chọn câu trả lời đúng

0. Would you like ……. with him?

A. to traveling       B. to travel       C. travel       D. traveling

1. Would you like something …….?

A. to eat       B. to eating       C. eat       D. eating

2. How …… your coffee

A. would like would like       C. would you like to      D.would you like

3. Who …….. come with me?

A. likes       B. would you like       C. would like to       D. would like

4. Where would you ……?

A. like to stay       B. liking to stay       C. like to staying       D. like stay

5. Would you like …….?

A. have some orange juice       B. some orange juice

C. having some orange juice       D. to have some orange juice






Exercise 5. Would you like hay Do you like?

0. Do you like dancing?

1. ___ you like some more food?

2. ___ you like a glass of water?

3. ___ you like living in Australia.

4. ___ you like to go to the movies this evening?

5. ___ you like to go to the movies? (generally speaking)

6. ___ you like more sugar for your coffee?

7. ___ you like some water?

8. ___ you like your job?

1. Would

2. Would

3. Do

4. Would

5. Do

6. Woud

7. Would

8. Do

Exercise 6. Supply the correct verb forms

0. I would rather (stay) stay home tonight.

1. Mr. Timmy would rather (stay) _________ home last night

2. We would rather (drink) _________ tea than coffee

3. The photographer would rather that we (stand) _________ closer together than we are standing

4. Camila would rather (cook) _________ for her family

5. She would rather you (not arrive) _________ yesterday

6. Jim would rather his friends (sleep) _________ than worked last night.

1. had stayed

2. drink

3. stood

4. cook

5. hadn’t arrived

6. had slept

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