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Bài viết 100 Bài tập Ving, To V có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn có thêm nguồn bài tập tự luyện để nắm vững cách sử dụng V + Ving hay V + To V từ đó giúp bạn học tốt Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh hơn.

300 Bài tập Ving, To V có đáp án

Bài tập Ving, To V (phần 1)

Bài 1: Put the verb into the correct form –ing or to .... Sometimes either form is possible.

1. They denied stealing the money. (steal)

2. I don't enjoy .... very much. ( drive)

3. I don't want .... out tonight.I'm too tired. (go)

4. I can't afford .... out tonight. I don't have enough money. (go)

5. Has it stopped .... yet? (rain)

6. Our team was unlucky to lose the game. We deserved .... (win)

7. Why do you keep .... me questions? Can't you leave me alone. (ask)

8. Please stop .... me questions! (ask)

9. I refuse .... any more questions. (answer)

10. One of the boys admitted .... the window. (break)

11. The boy's father promised .... for the window to be rapaired. (pay)

12. If the company continues .... money the factory may be closed. (lose)

13. Does Sarah know about the meeting? No,I forgot .... her. (tell)

14. The baby began .... in the middle of the night. (cry)

15. Julia has been ill but now she's beginning .... better. (get)

16. I've enjoy .... you. I hope .... you again soon. (meet, see)

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. driving

3. to go

4. to go

5. raining

6. to win

7. asking

8. asking

9. to answer

10. breaking

11. to pay

12. losing

13. to tell

14. crying or to cry

15. to get

16. meeting .... to see

Bài 2: Here is some information about Tom when he was a child:

1. He was in hospital when he was four.

4. Once he fell into the river.

2. He went to Paris when he was eight.

5. He said he wanted to be a doctor.

3. He cried on his first day at school.

6. Once he was bitten by a dog.

He can still remember 1,2 and 4 but he can't remember 3, 5 and 6. Write sentences beginning: He can remember ... or He can't remember ...

1. He can remember being in hospital when he was four.

2. ..................................................

3. ..................................................

4. ..................................................

5. ..................................................

6. ..................................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. he can remember going to Paris when he was eight.

3. He can't remember crying on his first day at school.

4. He can remember falling into the river.

5. He can't remember saying he anted to be a doctor.

6. He can't remember being bitten by a dog.

Bài 3: Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, -ing or to ...

1. a, Please rememver to lock the door when you go out.

    b, A: You lent me some money a few month ago.

       B: Did I? Are you sue? I don't remember .... you any money.

    c, A: Did you remember .... your sister?

       B: Oh no, I completely forgot. I'll her tomorrow.

    d, When you see Steve, remember .... him my regards.

    e, Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember ... it by the window and now it has gone.

2. a, I believe that what I said was fair. I don't regret .... it.

    b, I knew they were in troubl, but I regret .... I did nothing to help them.

3. a, Ben joined the company nine years ago. He became assistant manager after two years, and a few years later he went on .... manager of the company.

    b, I can't go on .... here any more. I want a different job.

    c, When I came into the room, Liz was reading a newspaper. She looked up and said hello, and then went on .... her newspaper.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

1. b, lending

    c, to phone/ to call

    d, to give

    e, leaving /putting

2. a, saying

    b, to say

3. a, to become

    b, working

    c, reading

Bài tập Ving, To V (phần 2)

Bài 1: Make suggestion. Each time use try + one of the following suggestions:

phone his office    move the aerial    change the batteries

turn it the other way    take an aspirin

1. The radio isn't working . I wonder what's wrong with it.

Have you tried chaging the batteries?

2. I can't open the door. The key won't turn.

Try ...................................

3. The TV picture isn't very good. What can I do about it?

Have you mind .........................

4. I can't contact Fred. He's not at home. What shall I do?

Why don't you .........................

5. I've got a terrible headache. I wish it would go.

Have you ..............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. Try turning it the other way

3. have you tried moving the aerial?

4. Why don't you try phoning his office?

5. Have you tried taking an aspirin

Bài 2: Write a sentence with need(s) + one of the following verbs:

clean    cut    empty    paint    tighten

1 This jacket is dirty. It needs cleaning.
2 The room isn't very nice. ..................
3 The grass is very long. It................
4 The screws are loose. ..................
5 The bin is full. ..................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. It needs painting

3. It needs cutting

4. They need tightening

5. It needs emptying

Bài 3: Put the verb into the correct form.

1. a, I was very tired. I tried to keep (keep ) my eyes open, but I couldn't.

    b, I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried .... (knock) on the door, but there was still no answer.

    c, We tried .... (put) the fire out but without success. We had to call the fire brigade.

    d, Sue needed to borrow some money. She tried .... (ask) Gerry.

    e, I tried .... (reach) the shelf, but I wasn'r tall enough.

    f, Please leave me alone. I'm trying .... (concentrate)

2. a, I need a change. I need .... (go )away for a whiles

    b, My grandmother isn't able to look after herself any more. She needs .... (look) after.

    c, The windows are dirty.They need .... (clean)

    d, Your hair is getting very long. It needs .... (cut)

    e, You don't need .... (iron) that shirt. It doesn't need .... (iron)

3. a, They were talking very loudly, I couldn't help .... (overhear) what they said.

    b, Can you help me .... (get) the dinner ready

    c, He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help .... (smile)

    d, The fine weather helped .... (make) it a very enjoyable holiday.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

1. b, knocking

    c, to put

    d, asking

    e, to reach

    f, to concentrate

2. a, to go

    b, looking

    c, cleaning

    d, cutting

    e, you don't need to iron .... It doesn't need ironming

3. a, overhearing

    b, get or to get

    c, smiling

    d, make or to make

Bài tập Ving, To V (phần 3)

Bài 1: Write sentences about yourself. Say whether you like or din't like these activities. Choose one of these verb for each sentence:

like/ don't like    love    hate    enjoy    don't mind

1. (fly) I don't like flying or I don't like to fly.

2. (play cards) ....................................

3. (be alone) ......................................

4. (go to museums) .................................

5. (cook) ..........................................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

Example answers

2. I don't mind playing cards

3. I don't like being alone

4. I enjoy going to museums

5. I love cooking

Bài 2: Make senteces from the words in brackets. Use –ing or to.... Sometimes either form is possible.

1. Paul lives in Berlin now. It's nice. He likes it.

(he/like/live/there) He likes living there.

2. Jane is a biology teacher. She likes her job.

(she/like/ teach/ biology) She ......................

3. Joe always carries his camera with him and takes a lot of photographs.

(he/like/ take/photographs) .........................

4. I used to work in a supermarket. I didn't like it much.

(i/ not / like / work / there) ......................

5. Rachel is studying medicine. She likes it .

(she/like/study/ medicine) ..........................

6. Dan is famous, but he doesn't like it.

(he/not / like/ be/ famous) .........................

7. Jenifer is a very cautions person. She doesn't take many risks.

(she / not / like / take / risks) ...................

8. I don't like surprises.

(I/like know/things/in advance) .....................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. She likes teaching biology.

3. He likes taking photographs.

4. I didn't working there.

5. She likes studying medicine.

6. He doesn't like being famous.

7. She doen't like taking risks.

8. I like to know things in advance.

Bài 3: Complete each sentences with a verb in the correct form, -ing or to...

In one sentence either form is possible.

1. It's good to visit other places – I enjoy travelling.

2. "Would you like .... down?" "No thanks. I'll stand."

3. I'm not quite ready yet. Would you mind .... a little longer?

4. When I was a child, I hated .... to bed early.

5. When I have to catch a train, I'm always worried that I'll miss it. So I like .... to the station in plenty of time.

6. I enjoy .... busy. I don't like it when there's nothing to do.

7. I would love .... to your wedding, but I'm afraid it isn't possible.

8. I don't like .... in this part of town. I want to move somewhere else.

9. Do you have a minute? I'd like .... to you about something.

10. If there's bad news and good news, I like .... the bad news first.

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. to sit

3. waiting

4. going

5. to get

6. being

7. to come

8. living

9. to talk

10. to have

Bài 4: Write sentences using would .... to have. Use the verbs in brackets:

1. It's a pity I couldn't go to the wedding.

(like) I would like to have gone to the wedding.

2. It's a pity I didn't see the programme.

(like) .................................

3. It's glad I didn't lose my watch.

(hate) .................................

4. It's a pity I didn't meet your parents.

(love) .................................

5. I'm glad I wasn't alone.

(not/like) .............................

6. It's a pity I couldn't travel by train.

(prefer) ...............................

Đáp án & Hướng dẫn:

2. I would like to have seen the programme.

3. I would have lost my watch.

4. I would love to have met your parents.

5. I would n't like to have been alone.

6. I would prefer to have travelled by train.

Ngữ pháp V + Ving hay V + To V

1.1 Cách sử dụng V-ing:

- Khi danh động từ đó làm chủ ngữ của câu: vd: Swimming is a good sport.

- Bổ ngữ của động từ. vd: Seeing is believing.

- Sau giới từ là ving: vd: He was accused of smuggling.

- Sau một vài động từ: mind, enjoy, avoid + verb-ing,…

1.2 Một số cách dùng đặc biệt của V-ing:

1.2.1 Các động từ theo sau là v-ing phổ biến

Anticipate: Tham gia

Avoid: Tránh

Delay: Trì hoãn

Postpone: Trì hoãn

Finish: kết thúc

Quit: Bỏ

Admit: chấp nhận

Discuss: thảo luận

Mention: đề cập

Imagine: tưởng tượng

Suggest: gợi ý

Urge: thúc giục

Keep: giữ

Urge: thúc giục

Forgive: tha thứ

Continue: tiếp tục

Involve : liên quan

Enjoy: thích

Practice: thực hành

Resist: kháng cự

Dislike: ko thích

Mind: quan tâm

Tolerate: cho phép

Love: yêu

Continue: tiếp tục

Hate: ghét

Resend: gửi lại

Understand: hiểu

Resist: chống cự

Keep: giữ

Recall: nhắc nhở

Consider: cân nhắc

Deny: từ chối

Imagine: tưởng tượng

Resent: bực bội

Ví dụ:

- He admitted taking the money. (Anh ta thừa nhận đã lấy tiền.)

- Would you consider selling the property? (Bạn sẽ xem xét bán nhà chứ?)

- I hate playing basketball (Tôi ghét chơi bóng rổ)

- He continue complaining about me (Anh ấy tiếp tục phàn nàn về tôi)

1.2.2 Sau Verb + giới từ:

Một số giới từ như: apologize to sb for, accuse sb of, insist on, feel like, congratulate sb on, suspect sb of, look forward to, dream of, succeed in, object to, approve/ disapprove of…

1.2.3 Các cụm từ theo sau là v-ing:

+ It’s no use / It’s no good…

+ There’s no point (in)…

+ It’s (not) worth …

+ Have difficult (in) …

+ It’s a waste of time/ money …

+ Spend/ waste time/money …

+ Be/ get used to …

+ Be/ get accustomed to …

+ Do/ Would you mind … ?

+ Be busy …

+ What about … ? How about …?

+ Go …(go shopping, go swimming…)

1.2.4 Sau when + ving với điều kiện nếu câu mang nghĩa chủ động

Ví dụ:

- Visitors are asked to turn off their electronic devices when entering the laboratory (Khách đến thăm được yêu cầu tắt các thiết bị điện khi đi vào phòng thí nghiệm).

Nếu bị động thì dùng V-ed.

Ví dụ:

- The orders should be processed when entered into the database (Các đơn hàng cần được xử lý khi được nhập vào cơ sở dữ liệu).

2. Động từ nguyên thể (To V)

2.1 Verb + to V [công thức: S + V + to V]

Afford: đủ khả năng

Appear: xuất hiện

Fail: thất bại

Arrange: sắp xếp

Attempt: nỗ lực

Bear: chịu đựng

Begin: bắt đầu

Choose: lựa chọn

Promise: hứa

Determine: quyết định

Decide: quyết định

Expect: mong đợi

Wish: ước

Refuse: từ chối

Agree: đồng ý

Learn: học hỏi

Hesitate: do dự

Intend: dự định

Prepare: chuẩn bị

Plan: kế hoạch

Manage: thành công

Neglect: thờ ơ

Propose: đề xuất

Offer: đề nghị

Prove: chứng minh

Pretend: giả vờ

Seem: dường như

Swear: thề

Want: muốn

Threaten: đe dọa

Ví dụ:

- She agreed to pay $50.(Cô ấy đã đồng ý trả 50 đô la.)

- I failed to pass the exam.(Tôi thất bại trong việc vượt qua kỳ thi)

- The residents refused to leave their home.(cư dân từ chối rời khỏi nhà của họ)

- She volunteered to help the homeless. (Cô ấy tình nguyện giúp đỡ người vô gia cư)

- He learnt to cook Spaghetti. (Anh ấy học cách nấu món mì Spaghetti)

- I hope ________ (pass) the entrance exam and get into A university.

Cùng thử giải qua câu trên nhé: Sau Hope to V hay Ving. Đáp án chắc chắn là: to + pass rồi phải không

2.2 Verb + Object + To V [Công thức: S + V + O + to V]

Advise: khuyên

Ask: hỏi

Encourage: động viên

Forbid/ ban: cấm

beg: van xin

Permit: cho phép

Remind: nhắc nhở

Allow: cho phép

Expect: mong đợi

appoint: bổ nhiệm

Invite: mời

Need: cần

Order: ra lệnh

Persuade: thuyết phục

choose: lựa chọn

Request: yêu cầu

Want: muốn

Wish: ước

Instruct: hướng dẫn

charge: giao nhiệm vụ

Mean: nghĩa là

Force: ép buộc

Teach: dạy

Tempt: xúi giục

challenge: thách thức

warn: báo trước

urge: thúc giục

tell: bảo

recommend: khuyên

cause: gây ra

require: đòi hỏi

implore: yêu cầu

hire: thuê

direct: hướng dẫn

train: đào tạo

desire: ao ước

dare: dám

convince: thuyết phục

compel: bắt buộc

invite: mời

Ví dụ:

- These glasses will enable you to see in the dark. (Cái kính này sẽ cho phép bạn nhìn trong bóng tối.)

- Jennifer was daring me to disagree (Jennifer thách tôi dám không đồng ý với cô ấy)

- She invited me to go to party (Cô ấy mời tôi đến bữa tiệc)

- My father taught me to look after myself (Cha tôi dạy tôi tự chăm sóc bản thân)

2.3 Verb + how/ what/ when/ where/ which/ why + to V

Những động từ sử dụng công thức này là: ask, decide, discover, find out, forget, know, learn, remember, see, show, think, understand, want to know, wonder…

Ví dụ:

- I found out where to buy cheap fruit. (Tôi đã tìm ra nơi mua hoa quả rẻ.)

- She couldn’t know what to say in her presentation. (Cô ấy không biết phải nói gì trong bài thuyết trình)

- I showed her which button to turn on the light. (Tôi chỉ cho cô ấy phải ấn nút nào để bật đèn)

3. Trường hợp đặc biệt: Các động từ theo sau là V-ing và To V

Có những động từ theo sau đều có thể là Ving và To V, hãy cùng tìm hiểu qua cách dùng đối với từng trường hợp nhé:

a. Nghĩa tương đối giống nhau với cả hai cách dùng:

To V và Ving được dùng sau các động từ như: bear, begin, come, continue, deserve, endure, fear, hate, imagine, like, love, intend, prefer, start...thì nghĩa của câu đó mang nghĩa tương đối như nhau.

Ví dụ:

- I began playing sport when I was 5 = I began to play sport when I was 5.

- I love taking photos = I love to take photos.

b. Nghĩa khác nhau với mỗi cách dùng:

* Cách dùng Stop, Try, Forget, Remember, Regret, Like. Các động từ theo sau là Ving và To V trong tiếng Anh:


to V


dừng làm gì (dừng hẳn)

He has lung cancer. He needs to stop smoking.

(Anh ấy bị ung thư phổi. Anh ấy cần phải dừng hút thuốc.)

dừng lại để làm việc gì

He was tired so he stopped to smoke.

(Anh ấy thấy mệt nên đã dừng lại để hút thuốc.)

Remember/ forget/ regret

nhớ/ quên/ tiếc đã làm gì (ở quá khứ).

I don’t remember meeting Susan before.

(Tôi không nhớ đã từng gặp Susan trước đây).

nhớ/ quên/ tiếc sẽ phải làm gì (ở hiện tại – tương lai).

Remember to send this letter for me.

(Hãy nhớ gửi bức thư này cho tôi)


thử làm gì

I tried phoning his number last night.

(Tôi đã thử gọi cho anh ấy vào tối hôm qua)

cố gắng làm gì

He tries to complete the mission.

(Anh ấy cố gắng hoàn thành nhiệm vụ).


thích làm gì vì nó thú vị, hay, cuốn hút, làm để thường thức

I like watching TV with my family every night.

(Tôi thích xem TV với gia đình mỗi tối)

muốn làm gì, cần làm gì

I want to have this job. I like to learn English.

(Tôi muốn có công việc này. Tôi muốn học tiếng Anh).

* Prefer

Prefer V-ing to V-ing

Prefer + to V + rather than (V)

Ví dụ:

- I prefer driving to traveling by train. (Tôi thích lái xe hơn đi tàu.)

- I prefer to drive rather than travel by train. (Tôi thích lái xe hơn đi tàu.)

* Mean

Mean to V: Có ý định làm gì.

Mean V-ing: Có nghĩa là gì.

Ví dụ:

- He doesn’t mean to prevent you from doing that. (Anh ấy không có ý ngăn cản bạn làm việc đó.)

- This sign means not going into. (Biển báo này có ý nghĩa là không được đi vào trong.)

* Need

Need to V: cần làm gì

Need V-ing: cần được làm gì (= need to be done)

Ví dụ:

- I need to go to school today. (Tôi cần đến trường hôm nay.)

- Your hair needs cutting. (= your hair needs to be cut) (Tóc bạn cần được cắt.)

* Used to/ Get Used To

Used to V: đã từng/ thường làm gì trong quá khứ (bây giờ không làm nữa)

Be/ Get used to V-ing: quen với việc gì (ở hiện tại)

Ví dụ:

- I used to get up early when I was young. (Tôi thường dậy sớm khi còn trẻ.)

- I’m used to getting up early. (Tôi quen với việc dậy sớm rồi.)

* Advise/ Allow/ Permit/ Recommend

Advise/ allow (permit)/ recommend + Object + to V: khuyên/ cho phép/ đề nghị ai làm gì.

Advise/ allow (permit)/ recommend + V-ing: khuyên/ cho phép/ đề nghị làm gì.

Ví dụ:

- He advised me to apply at once. (Anh ấy khuyên tôi ứng tuyển vị trí đó ngay lập tức.)

- They don’t allow us to park here. (Họ không cho phép chúng tôi đỗ xe ở đây.)

* See/ Hear/ Smell/ Feel/ Notice/ Watch

See/ hear/ smell/ feel/ notice/ watch + Object + V-ing: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chỉ chứng kiến 1 phần của hành động.

See/ hear/ smell/ feel/ notice/ watch + Object + V: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chứng kiến toàn bộ hành động.

Ví dụ:

- I see him passing my house everyday. (Tôi thấy anh ấy đi qua nhà tôi mỗi ngày.)

- She smelt something burning and saw the smoke rising. (Cô ấy ngửi thấy mùi cái gì đó đang cháy và nhìn thấy khói đang bốc lên cao.)

* Go on

Cách chia Go on Ving và to V:

Go on + V-ing: tiếp tục làm việc đang làm.

Go on + to V: làm tiếp một việc khác sau khi hoàn tất một việc gì đó.

Ví dụ:

- I went on working for 2 hours. (Tôi đã làm việc liên tục trong 2 giờ).

- Go on to paint the fence when you have repaired the door. (Sau khi sửa xong cửa chính, tôi tiếp tục sơn hàng rào).

Bên cạnh đó: Go on = Keep on( tiếp tục) = Continue(tiep tuc)

Nên chia Keep on, Continue to V và Ving tương tự Go on.

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Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Michael Gough
Learning English Everyday