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Bài viết 50 Bài tập Câu điều kiện loại 2 cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Câu điều kiện loại 2 và trên 50 bài tập về Câu điều kiện loại 2 chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Câu điều kiện loại 2.

50 Bài tập Câu điều kiện loại 2 cực hay có lời giải


1. Cấu trúc

If + S + Were/ weren’t, S + Would/could/might + V nguyên thể

Trong câu điều kiện loại 2, động từ của mệnh đề if chia ở [bàng thái cách](past subjunctive). Động từ của mệnh đề chính chia ở tương lai trong quá khứ(Future in the past).

Ví dụ: If the weather weren’t bad, we would go swimming.

2. Cách dùng

Câu điều kiện loại 2 là câu điều kiện trái với thực tế ở hiện tại.

3. Biến thể của câu điều kiện loại 2

*Biến thể mệnh đề chính:

- If + S+ past simple, S + would /could/might/had to…. + be V-ing

Ví dụ: If I stayed at home, I would be lying on my bed now. (Nếu tôi ở nhà thì giờ này tôi đang nằm dài trên giường.)

- If + past simple, past simple

Ví dụ: If he were rich, he bought this car. (Nếu anh ta giàu thì anh ta mua chiếc xe này.)

*Biến thể mệnh đề if

- If + S + Past Continuous, S + would/could + V-inf

Ví dụ: If you were studying, I wouldn’t disturb you. (Nếu bạn đang học bài thì tôi sẽ không làm phiền bạn đâu.)

- If + S + Past Perfect, S + would/could + V-inf

Ví dụ: If I hadn’t studied last night, I couldn’t do the test well. (Nếu tối qua không không học bài thì hôm nay tôi không thể làm bài tập tôt.)


Task 1. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. If I had a typewriter, I __________ (type) it myself.

2. If I __________ (know) his address, I'd give it to you.

3 .He __________ (look) a lot better if he shaved more often.

4. If you __________ (play) for lower stake,s you wouldn't lose so much.

5. If he worked more slowly, he __________ (not make) so many mistakes.

1. If I had a typewriter, I would type it myself.

2. If I knew his address, I'd give it to you.

3. He looked a lot better if he shaved more often.

4. If you played for lower stakes, you wouldn't lose so much.

5. If he worked more slowly, he wouldn’t make so many mistakes.

Task 2. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. If he __________ (clean) his windscreen, he'd be able to see where he was going.

2. If you drove your car into the river, you __________ (be) able to get out?

3. If you __________ (not belong) to a union, you couldn't get a job.

4. If I __________ (win) a big prize in a lottery, I'd give up my job.

5. What you __________ (do) if you found a burglar in your house?

6. I could tell you what this means if I __________ (know) Greek.

7. If everybody __________ (give) Ј1, we would have enough.

8. He might get fat if he __________ (stop) smoking.

9. If he knew that it was dangerous, he __________ (not come).

10. If you__________ (see) someone drowning, what would you do?

1. If he cleaned his windscreen, he'd be able to see where he was going.

2. If you drove your car into, the river would you be able to get out?

3. If you didn’t belong to a union, you couldn't get a job.

4. If I won a big prize in a lottery, I'd give up my job.

5. What would you do if you found a burglar in your house?

6. I could tell you what this means if I knew Greek.

7. If everybody gave Ј1, we would have enough.

8. He might get fat if he stopped smoking.

9. If he knew that it was dangerous, he wouldn’t come

10. If you saw someone drowning, what would you do?

Task 3. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. I __________ (be) ruined if I bought her everything she asked for.

2. If you slept under a mosquito net, you __________ (not be) bitten so often.

3. I could get a job easily if I __________ (have) a degree.

4. If she__________ (do) her hair differently, she might look quite nice.

5. If we had more rain, our crops __________ (grow) faster.

1. I would be ruined if I bought her everything she asked for.

2. If you slept under a mosquito net, you wouldn’t be bitten so often.

3. I could get a job easily if I had a degree.

4. If she did her hair differently, she might look quite nice.

5. If we had more rain, our crops would grow faster.

Task 4. Using the given information, make conditional sentences with IF

1. They are poor, so they can’t help us.

→ If they .................................................

2. He doesn’t do his homework. He is always punished.

→ If he .................................................

3. He doesn’t have enough time. He can’t help me.

→ If he .............................................

4. She doesn’t take any exercise, so she is overweight.

→ If she ...................................................

5. He doesn’t have a bicycle, so he always goes to class late.

→ He wouldn’t ...............................................

1. If they weren’t poor, they could help us.

2. If he did his homework, he wouldn’t be punished.

3. If he had enough time, he could help me.

4. If she took some exercise, she wouldn’t be overweight.

5. He wouldn’t go to class late if he had a bicycle.

Task 5. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. The whole machine would fall to pieces if you __________ (remove) that screw

2. I __________ (keep) a horse if I could afford it. '

3. I'd go and see him more often if he __________ (live) on a bus route.

4. If they __________ (ban) the sale of alcohol at football matches there might be less violence.

5. I __________ (offer) to help if I thought I'd be any use.

1. The whole machine would fall to pieces if you removed that screw

2. I would keep a horse if I could afford it. '

3. I'd go and see him more often if he lived on a bus route.

4. If they banned the sale of alcohol at football matches, there might be less violence.

5. I would offer to help if I thought I'd be any use.

Task 6. Using the given information, make conditional sentences with IF

1. I am bad at English, so I can’t do homework.

→ I could .....................................

2. He doesn’t practise speaking French, so he doesn’t speak it fluently.

→ If he ................................................................

3. The meeting can be cancelled because it snows heavily.

→ If it ................................................

4. We don’t go because it will rain.

→ If it ............................

5. John is fat because he eats so many chips.

→ If John ..................................

1. I could do homework if I weren’t bad/ were good at English.

2. If he practised speaking French, he would speak it fluently.

3. If it didn’t snow heavily, the meeting couldn’t be cancelled.

4. If it didn’t rain, we would go.

5. If John didn’t eat so many chips, he wouldn’t be fat.

Task 7. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1) If you__________ (help) your grandma, I__________ (do) the shopping.

2) Andrew__________ (water) the flowers if he__________ (stay) at home.

3) If she__________ (have) 5 pounds more, she__________ (buy) herself this T-shirt.

4) If they__________ (offer) me the job, I__________ (take) it.

5) You_______ (have) summer holidays from June till August if you________ (live) in the USA.

1. If you helped your grandma, I would do the shopping.

2. Andrew would water the flowers if he stayed at home.

3. If she had 5 pounds more, she would buy herself this T-shirt.

4. If they offered me the job, I would take it.

5. You would have summer holidays from June till August if you lived in the USA.

Task 8. Rewrite the following sentences as directed

1. If Germany were to beat Romania, they would face Italy in the final.(using inversion with WERE)


2. If she were rich, she would buy a villa. (using inversion with WERE)


3. If I won a big prize in a lottery, I would build a school for the poor

→ Unless………………………………………………………………………

4. Without the rain, they could not have such good crop. (if)


5. If I didn’t say sorry, I wouldn’t be here. (otherwise)


6. If it weren’t for the view, this would be a lovely room. (But for)


1. Were Germany to beat Romania, they would face Italy in the final.

2. Were she rich, she would buy a villa.

3. Unless I won a big prize in a lottery, I wouldn’t build a school for the poor.

4. If it weren’t for rain, they couldn’t have such good crop.

5. I say sorry; otherwise, I wouldn’t be there.

6. But for the view, this would be a lovely room.

Task 9. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. We__________ (sell) the bike for 20 Euros if Ron__________ (repair) it.

2. If you__________ (use) a pencil, the drawing__________ (be) perfect.

3. The children__________ (be) happy if he__________ (teach) them English.

4. If Peter__________ ( visit) us, we__________(go) out tonight.

5. They__________ (come) again if he __________ (plan) a second stay.

1. We would sell the bike for 20 Euros if Ron repaired it.

2. If you used a pencil, the drawing would be perfect.

3. The children would be happy if he taught them English.

4. If Peter visited us, we would go out tonight.

5. They would come again if he planned a second stay.

Task 10. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. I shouldn't drink that wine if I __________ (be) you.

2. More tourists would come to this country if it __________ (have) a better climate.

3. If I were sent to prison, you __________ (visit) me?

4. If someone __________ (give) you a helicopter, what would you do with it?

5. I __________ (buy) shares in that company if I had some money.

1. I shouldn't drink that wine if I were you.

2. More tourists would come to this country if it had a better climate.

3. If I were sent to prison, would you visit me?

4. If someone gave you a helicopter, what would you do with it?

5. I would buy shares in that company if I had some money.

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Michael Gough
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