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Bài viết 50 Bài tập về In order to, So as to cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về In order to, So as to và trên 50 bài tập về In order to, So as to chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của In order to, So as to.

50 Bài tập về In order to, So as to cực hay có lời giải

Phần I. Lý thuyết

1. Ý nghĩa của các cụm từ "In order to" và "So as to”

Đây là 2 cụm từ chỉ mục đích (Phrases of purpose) có nghĩa là: để

Ví dụ: I make this cake in order to give my mother for her birthday party.

(Tôi làm cái bánh này để tặng mẹ trong dịp sinh nhật của bà ấy.)

2. Cấu trúc

*Khi mục đích của hành động hướng tới chính chủ thể của hành động đó:

S + V + in order/so as + to_V

Ví dụ: She studies English. She wants to talk to foreigners.

⇒ She studied English in order/ so as to talk to foreigners.

*Khi mục đích hành động hướng tới đối tượng khác:

S + V + in order for + O + to_V

Ví dụ: The teacher uses a microphone. He wants his students to hear his voice better.

⇒ The teacher uses a microphone in order for his students to hear his voice.

3. Cách nối câu với cấu trúc “in order to” và “so as to”

Khi 2 chủ ngữ giống nhau, ta bỏ chủ ngữ câu sau rồi bỏ các từ như “want, like, hope...” , giữ lại động từ sau nó.

Ví dụ: She turned on TV. She wanted to watch the game show.

⇒ She turned on TV to watch the game show.

Phần II. Bài tập

Task 1. Combine the ideas using “in order to/ so as to”

1. Rachel wanted to watch the news. She turned on the TV.


2. Nancy is carrying extra courses every semester. She wants to graduate early.


3. Ed took some change from his pocket. He wanted to buy a newspaper.


4. I wanted to listen to the news while I was making dinner. I turned on the TV.


5. I unplugged the phone. I didn’t want to be interrupted while I was working.


1. Rachel turned on the TV in order/so as to watch the news.

2. Nancy is carrying extra courses every semester in order/ so as to graduate early.

3. Ed took some change from his pocket in order/ so as to buy a newspaper.

4. I turned on the TV in order/ so as to listen to the news while I was making dinner.

5. I unplugged the phone in order/ so as not to be interrupted while I was working.

1. Jackson was going to study all night, ________ he declined our invitation to dinner.

A. so

B. so that

C. in order to

D. A and C

2. They put video cameras in shops _______ stop people stealing things.

A. not to

B. so as not to

C. in order to

D. so that

3. The highway was under construction, _______ we had to take a different route to work.

A. so that

B. so

C. in order to

D. A and C

4. He gave me his address. He wanted me to visit him.

A. He gave me his address so as to visit him.

B. He gave me his address for me in order to visit him.

C. He gave me his address in order for me to visit him.

D. He gave me his address in order to for me visit him.

5. He studies hard. He doesn’t want to fail in the exam. He studies hard _________fail in the exam.

A. not to

B. so as not to

C. in order to

D. so that

6. Mary jogs everyday ________ lose weight.

A. so she can

B. so that she can

C. because she can

D. so that to

7. You should look up the meaning of the new in the dictionary _______ misuse it

A. so as to

B. to

C. so as not to

D. so that

8. He lighted the candle ________ he might read the note.

A. so that

B. and

C. because

D. as a result

9. He turned off the lights before going out _______ waste electricity.

A. so that not

B. as not to

C. in order that not

D. so as not to

10. The school boys are in hurry ________ they will not be late for school.

A. so as to

B. to

C. in order that

D. for

1. A. so

2. C. in order to

3. B. so

4. C. He gave me his address in order for me to visit him.

5. B. so as not to

6. B. so that she can

7. C. so as not to

8. A. so that

9. D. so as not to

10. C. in order that

Task 3. Use phrases to combine each pair of sentences below.

1. I’m studying hard. I want to keep pace with my classmates.


2. Alice prepares her lessons carefully. She wants to get high marks in class.


3. Please shut the door. I don’t want the dog to go out of the house.


4. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house.


5. You should walk slowly. Your sister can follow you.


1. I’m studying hard in order/ so as to keep pace with my classmates.

2. Alice prepares her lessons carefully in order/ so as to get high marks in class.

3. Please shut the door for the dog in order/ so as not to go out of the house.

4. I wish to have enough money in order/ so as to buy a new house.

5. You should walk slowly in order for your sister to follow you.

Task 4. Choose the correct alternative.

. The school boys are in a hurry not to/ in order not miss their school bus.

2. They were talking in whispers so that/ so as nobody could hear them.

3. My mother needs a tin opener to open/ for opening the bottles.

4. Advice is given in order that/ in order to students can choose the best course.

5. You may put your money in a small coin bank so that/ in order to keep it safe.

6. We wrote Katie’s name on the calendar so as not to/ so that not forget her birthday.

7. She stayed at work late in order to/ so that she could complete the report.

8. I need some new clothes. I haven’t got anything nice to wear/ in order to wear.

9. The new paint is excellent to cover/ for covering walls with cracks in.

10. Trees are being planted by the roadside so as to reduce/ in order that reducing traffic noise.

1. The school boys are in a hurry in order not miss their school bus.

2. They were talking in whispers so that nobody could hear them.

3. My mother needs a tin opener for opening the bottles.

4. Advice is given in order that students can choose the best course.

5. You may put your money in a small coin bank in order to keep it safe.

6. We wrote Katie’s name on the calendar so as not to forget her birthday.

7. She stayed at work late so that she could complete the report.

8. I need some new clothes. I haven’t got anything nice to wear.

9. The new paint is excellent to cover walls with cracks in.

10. Trees are being planted by the roadside so as to reduce traffic noise.

Task 5. Hoàn thành câu.

1. We worked hard just before Tet Holiday _______ we could really enjoy the holiday.

2. Hieu just popped out _______ buy a bottle of water.

3. Take your keys in case Lan (go) _______ out before you come back.

4. This oven is used _______ making pizza.

5. This tablet is _______ Linh. It’s his birthday tomorrow.

6. Minh whispered _______ disturb the other students in the library.

7. I decided to learn English _______ get a better job.

8. He told me to wake up early _______ I _______ have more time to prepare.

9. Nam is going to London _______ visit his penpal.

10. Remember to check the door before you leave _______ he forget to lock it.

1. so that

2. to

3. went

4. for

5. for

6. so as not to

7. in order to

8. so/can

9. to

10. in case

Task 6. Choose the best answer

1. He left home early _________ he could arrive at the station on time.

A. because of

B. in order to

C. although

D. so that

2. He works hard_________ help his family.

A. so as that

B. in order to

C. in order that

D. A and B are correct

3. She turned down the radio so that she wouldn’t disturb the neighbors.

A. She turned down the radio so as not to disturb the neighbors.

B. She turned down the radio in order not to disturb the neighbors.

C. She turned down the radio in order that she wouldn’t disturb the neighbors.

D. All are correct.

4. He gave me his address. He wanted me to visit him.

A. He gave me his address so as to visit him.

B. He gave me his address for me in order to visit him.

C. He gave me his address in order for me to visit him.

D. He gave me his address in order to for me visit him.

5. He studies hard. He doesn’t want to fail in the exam.

He studies hard _________fail in the exam.

A. not to

B. so as not to

C. in order to

D. so that

6. Mary jogs everyday ________ lose weight.

A. so she can

B. so that she can

C. because she can

D. so that to

7. You should look up the meaning of the new in the dictionary _______ misuse it

A. so as to

B. to

C. so as not to

D. so that

8. He lighted the candle ________ he might read the note.

A. so that

B. and

C. because

D. as a result

9. He turned off the lights before going out _______ waste electricity.

A. so that not

B. as not to

C. in order that not

D. so as not to

1. D

2. B

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. D

Task 7. Choose the best answer

1. He hid that letter in a drawer _______ no one could read it.

A. so that

B. because

C. although

D. than

2. The teacher was explaining the lesson slowly and clearly__________.

A. to make his students to understand it

B. in order that his students can understand it

C. so as to that his students could understand it

D. so that his students could understand it

3. The boy always does his homework before class____________.

A. so as not to be punished by the teacher

B. so as to be punished by the teacher

C. so that not to be punished by the teacher

D. in order that not to be punished by the teacher

4. “I tried to study English well. I want to get a good job.” means _________.

A. I tried to study English well so that I can get a good job

B. I tried to study English well in order that I can get a good job

C. I tried to study English well to get a good job

D. All are correct

5. “They whispered. They didn’t want anyone to hear them” means _________.

A. They whispered in order to make anyone hear them

B. They whispered so that no one could hear them

C. They whispered to make everyone hear them

D. They whispered in order that make everyone hear them

6. “We preserve natural resources. We can use them in the future.” means ________.

A. We preserve natural resources so that we can use them in the future

B. We preserve natural resources so as to we can use them in the future

C. We preserve natural resources for future use

D. A and C

7. The students study English________ they can communicate with foreigners.

A. so that

B. so/ that

C. in order to

D. A & C

8. He left home early_________.

A. so that he could arrive at the station on time.

B. in order that he can arrive at the station on time.

C. so that he couldn’t arrive at the station on time.

D. A&C

9. The teacher explained the lesson again in order that_________.

A. all the students could understand the lesson.

B. all the students could drive to school.

C. all the students could pass the examination.

D. all the students could exchange the answers.

10. He failed the exam, _______ he had to do the job he didn’t like.

A. so

B. so that

C. in order to

D. A & C

1. A. so that

2. D. so that his students could understand it

3. A. so as not to be punished by the teacher

4. D. All are correct

5. B. They whispered so that no one could hear them

6. D. A and C

7. A. so that

8. A. so that he could arrive at the station on time.

9. A. all the students could understand the lesson.

10. A. so

Task 8. Use phrases to combine each pair of sentences below.

1. They did their job well. They hoped the boss would increase their salary.


2. We turned on the lights. We didn’t want to waste electricity


3. We lower the volume of the radio. We don’t want to bother our neighbors.


4. The robber changed his address all the time. He didn’t want the police to find him.


5. The man spoke loudly. He wanted everybody to hear him clearly.


1. They did their job well in order for the boss to increase their salary.

2. We turned on the lights in order/ so as not to waste electricity

3. We lower the volume of the radio in order/ so as not to bother our neighbors.

4. The robber changed his address all the time in order for the police not to find him.

5. The man spoke loudly in order for everybody to hear him clearly.

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